Thursday, February 3, 2011


My BIL, Jon, lives in Ottawa, KS where he is finishing up his last semester in school. He and his girlfriend, Rae, are moving to TX this summer so we really won't get to see them very much anymore... which is super sad! Since our family is rather small it kills me to not be able to see them whenever I want.

Currently they are only 5ish hours away so I'm hoping to see them a few more times before they move. We are going to see them at the end of the month and I couldn't be more excited! We got a hotel room and it just so happens that they have an indoor pool! Score! Kimber's first time swimming!!! Cannot. Wait! It's going to be a sad day when they are half way across the country and we can no longer make weekend trips to see them. Secretly I'm crossing my fingers, hoping they move to StL one day. Hey, one can hope!

Rae and Kimber... pretty sure Rae would steal her if she could :)

Jon playing with Kimber on Christmas Day.

My other brother, Josh, is getting married in July and asked if Kimber would be a flower girl. Ummm, HECK YES she will! I've been told I will be pulling her down the isle in a wagon, so with that being said, momma needs to loose some weight!

Me, my big brother and his (now) fiancée at my wedding.

And then there's Chase :) He's 13 now, I think... I'm horrible with ages, unless it's mine or Pat's lol He came over this past weekend and I'm pretty sure Kimber didn't like that he was here. It almost became a big joke because every time Chase would try to talk to her she would sob. Poor guy just wanted to hold his niece but she wanted no part of it! He is my babysitter, no, not for Kimber... he always watches our dogs when we go out of town and we are VERY grateful for that. If not for him, we would never be able to go on vacation! I hate that we are so far apart in age, like by the time he has kids, Kimber could probably babysit them... what a weird thought!

Uncle Chase and Kimber, the day she was born.

I also have a step-brother that I see on rare occasion when over at my parents. I think he much prefers to be out and about than stuck at home, so that means I'm not really close with him. Too bad since he seems like a pretty cool kid. He's 16 (again, I think) and from what I gather has a girlfriend now.... oh boy :)

That's not all though! I still have two half brothers that belong to my biological father. I haven't talked them in about a year. I think about them all the time and wish things could be different, and I'm sure with a little effort on my part they could be different. Very different. I just don't know... I think this part of my life is the most challenging. I just wish I could forget, but I can't...

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